About Mississippi Ready
Mississippi Ready is a campaign to ensure every student has the K-12 education they need to be prepared for their future. Every child should have access to a quality education that meets their unique needs.
At Mississippi Ready, we believe:
Every Mississippi student deserves to be prepared for the future
Every child is unique and learns differently
Mississippi students should have access to educational opportunities that meet their needs and challenge them

Leah Ferretti
Director of Mississippi Ready
Leah Ferretti is mom to Thomas, Henry and Blake. She knows the importance of getting kids into the right setting so they can be successful. She and her husband, Blake, and their children now live in Madison but spent years in Delta, struggling to find a school where their children with dyslexia could thrive. She took matters into her own hands. Having graduated from Delta State University with a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education with an emphasis on Reading and Science, she went back to college and earned a Master’s of Education in Dyslexia Therapy and a Certification of Education Leadership from Mississippi College. She has served as the National Legislative Chair person for The Academic Language Therapy Association as well as for the Mississippi Chapter. She has served in education for over 16 years and has assisted her husband in developing and growing several business start-ups.